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There is a previously existing sleeper wall along one side of our driveway. It was installed about 6 months ago costing us about $600.


You can see it here before work began.

When Mr Murone quit, when he was ready to pour concrete, he left it like this.


After pouring the concrete must be level with the top of the strip drain.


The measuring tape itself is 100 mm high and the tape sticking out is another 100 mm. So you can see that the bottom of the strip wall is 100 mm above where the level of the concrete is to be.

I can't read his mind so I'm not sure what Mr Murone intended doing here - but he's ready to pour the concrete.


Would he leave that gap under the sleeper wall for someone else (me) to fix?


Would he 'butter up' some concrete to slope up from the drain level up to the bottom of the sleeper?


Below two similar photographs showing the same problem at different spots along the sleeper wall.

Earlier Mr Murone promised he would fix this by lowering the sleeper wall. In fact this IS LOWERED!  He lowered the wall by the width of the thin strip in the middle. But he should have lowered it by a further 100 mm.


Why didn't he do it right?


He also left the top of the sleeper wall looking like the photographs below.

Murone Pave-Crete Concrete Melbourne Stockland

Murone Pave-Crete Concrete Melbourne Stockland

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