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At the start of this job, Mr Murone didn't remove enough soil from the site.

Whether this was to save money in cartage and dumping fees or he simply made a mistake, I don't know.

Mr Murone spent a lot of time pushing dirt around with his dingo digger.   Picking up piles of soil in an attempt, I believe, to level the site.

The problem was he had nowhere to put the excess rubble and soil. He would fill his trailer and take it to the tip - or somewhere? But that only took a little of the excess. The rest he shuffled around the garden - DUMPING MUCH OF IT IN OUR GARDEN BEDS.

So one weekend I decided to tidy up.

I removed the rubble from the beds and piled it all up in a heap ready for Mr Murone to take away. This took about 12 hours and was heavy work.



I couldn't get all the rubble out of the beds - as a result these garden beds are full of gravel and bits of concrete which I will be picking out for years to come.

But here's the icing on the cake:


when Mr Murone came back on site, I told him of my work and how hard it was. He nodded sympathetically.


And when I came back a couple of hours later,


he had dumped all the rubble back on the garden beds.

Is this another trivial matter?


Yes. But they're adding up.





Murone Pave-Crete Concrete Melbourne Stockland

Murone Pave-Crete Concrete Melbourne Stockland

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